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Upgrading our 3D printer

There is a few ways in which you can upgrade you printer and adding wifi connectivity is one of them. Prusa prepares the motherboard so that you can mount a raspberry pi zero W easily and it communicates with the printer through GPIO.

To badly we are not able to meet regulary due to the current situation, so I worked on this project by myself. Once you try to work alone, you realize how much the help of others was appretiated. This project took some soldering, 3D printing, some coding and also local network knowlage. I obviously got stuck a few times, just like with any other projects, but now the printer has its own IP address and I can uload gcodes and start prints remotely.

By connecting the rapberry, not only can you connect to your printer wirelessly, you can also monitor its temperature, read its output and even watch its progress. Now it is really easy to connect to through your local router using just your browser. If you would like to see how it was done, check out this link:

The software used for this project is OctoPrint, which is probably the most common one. Interesting feature of this interface is that you can create timelapses. So I did not waste any time and I ordered a raspberry pi camera, which arrived shortly afterwards. However there is a special reduction, which is taking way too long to deliver, so I will post an update once it arrives.

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